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  Hotels in St. Petersburg:   [ Hotels Home ] [ Apartment S1 ] [ Apartment S2 ] [ Apartment S3 ] [ Pulkovskaya ] [ Pribaltiyskaya ] [ Nevsky Palace ] [ Hotel Europe ] [ Astoria ] [ Grand Hotel Emerald ] [ Baltic Star ] [ Radisson SAS Royal ] [ StPetersburg ] [ Moskva ] [ DesonLadoga ]


Luxury Rooms The Hotel has 840 rooms and 1,600 beds. All the rooms qualify for the international "lux" hotel standart. This means that rooms have:

 high-class furnishing;
 four-chanel radio;
 TV with remote control, local and satellite;
 an individual fire-safety system;
 Guard alarm system;
 Electronic door locks;
 Door peephole;
 highly efficient air-conditioning;
 Triple windows (80% noise protection);
 Full bath amenities;
 furnishing fabrics of exceptionally fire-proof materials;
 telephone with intercity and international access.

Guests may enjoy a cup of coffee or refreshments and buy small items at the buffets on individual floors.

[ Pulkovskaya Home ]   [ Location ]   [ About ]   [ Rooms ]   [ Restaurants ]



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Phoenix, AZ 85020
(602) 553-8178
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